Release note Spectrum Teams V 2.2.0

Spectrum Groupe is pleased to announce that we are releasing Spectrum Teams version 2.2.0 this version includes 2 features and bug fixes to our app

Add section LINKS to team

From this version, you can enable to add links to your team:

To add links you must click on the team desired, click on the LINKS section, click a button ADD LINK, and full the form as follows:

Title: The name of the link

Link: The URL to add

List of links by team

This list contains the clickable link names which redirect to external/internal pages

Add teams to user profile

In this version, we added the Teams information in the Jira user profile which allows a user to see her list of teams in the user profile


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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.