Ideation user guide - V4.0.7

New vote features

Space admins can now disable voting or just disable voting down from this new menu

Vote Disabling/Enabling

Disabling vote will deactivate vote interaction (vote buttons and vote statistics)

Disabling votedown will remove the user's ability to votedown. While disabling votedown existing votedowns are kept.

New Sponsoring features

Sponsors limit

Space admins can now set the maximum number of sponsors per idea in each space

Setting the number to 0 will make it unlimited

Reducing maximum number of sponsors won't remove existing sponsors

Removing sponsorship from idea

Any user can now remove his sponsorship from an idea that he sponsored with just one click

Number of likes per idea

Iidea list view now contains the number of likes per idea pages, this filter can be enabled from "ideation list" macro settings

Please note that Likes is displayed by default in the Timeline view.