Ideation macros

The plug-in Ideation has five macros. All these macros are designed simply and clearly, accessible to any user with a basic knowledge of Confluence.

Macro's name and iconMacro description

Ideation list  

With Ideation list you can create an ideation dashboard that lists all ideas and offers filtering tools.

This macro displays all the ideas of space. By default, the most voted ideas are at the top of the list.

An idea contains the following information :

  • Title page of the idea ,
  • the author with his profile photo,
  • date of creation,
  • the number of votes (score ),
  • number of comments,
  • number of views,
  • labels,
  • status of the idea,
  • an extract of the content.


Management of animators: by default, the administrator of the space is assigned as animator of ideation module. The administrator has the right to add or delete an animator. This right through inheritance to new animator added. The administrator of the space is always the leader of ideation module.



This macro displays:

  • the animators of ideation module.
  • the number of ideas in space.
  • manage animators by add or delete an animator (request the right of an animator)

Ideation top contributors

Macro to display most active users in the ideation process.

It displays also the number of votes and the number of ideas for each contributor.

The top contributor is the one who has the highest votes.

Idea information box

This macro is used in the idea page.

It displays:

  • the voting module,
  • the number of comments,
  • number of views,
  • the status of the idea (proposed, evaluated or achived).

Idea voters

 Macro to display idea's voters and scores.