Release Note - Ideation Version 5.4.1

Spectrum Groupe is pleased to announce that we are releasing Ideation version 5.4.1. This minor version includes multiple new features, improvements, and bug fixes for both Data Center and Server versions.

NEW Features

Manage Anonymous user permissions :

  1. Based on pages permission in the space, the anonymous user can deal with ideation in the space.

  • View Permission: If we activate view permission for anonymous users, all the created ideas within the space will be shown to anonymous users like any page in the space.

  • Add pages Permission: if we activate add pages permission for anonymous users, anonymous users can create new ideas in the space from the blueprint’s create button or from the ideation page’s button, also, they can participate in activate challenges using the participate button if the challenge is configured to allow anonymous users.






Create idea using blueprint button


Create idea using add idea button in ideation page


Participate in challenge

2. Anonymous permission in Ideation Dashboard

Based on the activated spaces for anonymous users, the ideation dashboards will show information and search results for anonymous users. This new feature is allowed for the main ideation dashboard, search result dashboard, label dashboard, and analytics dashboard.






Main dashboard


Search result dashboard



Label dashboard


Analytics dashboard



Add a parameter in the list of ideas macro that hides the archived ideas: The ideation page has several macros. One of them is the list of ideas macro. This macro lists all the created ideas within a space and gives some details about them.

Idea status is an important detail about the idea. It tells us what is the state of the idea and if it’s still used or not. For the unused ideas, we have the status Archive.

In the previous versions of the app, this macro lists all the ideas, even the archived ones. Now, we have added a new parameter within the macro, that allows us to choose to show/hide these archived ideas.






Ideas list Macro before hiding archived ideas



Activating hide archived ideas



Ideas list Macro after hiding archived ideas



  • Replace the old German translation with a more accurate version.

  • Order ideas by creation date in the list of ideas macro.

  • Paginate the list of ideas by 5 ideas.


  • Paginate the list of ideas in label search by 5.



  • Fix the Analytics Dashboard issue when a space has been deleted while using the dashboard.

  • Fix top challenge display with Firefox navigator.

  • Fix user icon in the result of the main dashboard search.


As always, we're here to help, if you've come across a problem, want to provide feedback, or require support, you can get in touch with our support platform.