We are committed to provide you with the best support in the fastest times. To learn more about our response times please consult our service level agreement.

You can find below some helpful steps for your support process.

Have a look at our product documentation and release notes. Maybe you will find some information there!

Spectrum Groupe plugins
Social Space
Formatting plugin
Spectrum Timesheets Documentation

Browse the open issues, maybe your problem has already been raised to our attention!

Spectrum Groupe plugins
Social Space
Formatting plugin

Nothing found? No problem, just report your bug or feature request here. A member of our support team will follow up with you soon.

Creating issues requires that you have an account on our JIRA instance. If you don't please create one.

Don't hesitate to provide us with as much information as possible (ie. your confluence version, browser version, test scenario, screenshots...)

Not familiar with JIRA, don't hesitate to rise your concern via our support email address labsupport@spectrumgroupe.fr